Pocket Bully: American Pocket Bully Facts, Care & Guide 2024

The pocket bully is a smaller version of the standard American Bully. Despite their small size, they resemble a cute house hippo and are easier to handle for most owners. They are one of the four official types of American Bully: Pocket, standard, classic, and XL.

The American Bully breed is still relatively new and can be confusing due to different types emerging that are not officially recognized by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC). We will focus on the American Pocket Bully type recognized by the ABKC. It’s important to note that these dogs may develop joint issues as they grow older, so it’s recommended to provide them with daily dog mobility chews.

This Bully shares the same lovable and friendly traits as the larger Bullies but in a smaller, more compact size. Before searching for American Pocket Bully puppies for sale, it’s crucial to research and understand this developing breed. To provide you with accurate information about the Pocket American Bully, we have consulted interviews with a reputable breeder, expert, and founder of the American Pocket Bully, Dave Wilson.

History And Origin Of The Pocket Bully

To better understand the history of this bully dog, we first need to look at the origins of American bullies.

The American bully’s history begins around the 1980s with American pit bull terriers, the American Staffordshire terrier, and bulldog-type dogs. As people (who help animals have babies) were (in a picky way where only certain things are selected) breeding soon-to-be American bullies, there had been a focus on eliminating (angry, violent behavior).

American Bullies mostly come from a mix of American Pit bull Terrier (APBT) and American Staffordshire Terrier that have been trained for a calmer personality than the APBT. A particular APBT strain produced heavy body structures and was later raised with American Bulldogs, and English Bulldogs to create bigger heads, shorter legs, and broad barrel-like chests.

In the 1990s, the desired personality and physical qualities were established. In 2004, the American Bully Kennel Club was formed, and the breed standards were set. Since many dog breeds were involved in creating the American bully, there have been different varieties based on size.

The ABKC classifies all American bullies as standard until they reach one year of age. Then, they are separated into four: pocket, classic, standard, and XL – from smallest to largest.

Pocket Bully Lifespan

The (length of time something is alive) of an American Pocket Bully usually ranges from 10 to 13 years. Proper care, nutrition, and regular veterinary check-ups can give to a longer and healthier life for your furry friend. However, (the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things) and (related to surrounding conditions or the health of the Earth) factors also play a big roles in deciding (length of time something is alive).

Providing a loving and kind and taking good care of home, along with (good) enough exercise and mental stimulation, can improve their overall well-being and long life. Remember to love and honor every moment with your American Pocket Bully and make the most of the time you have together as loved and honored members of the family.

General Care Of The Pocket Bully

After you adopt your pet, you’ll need to take them on their first trip to the vet and schedule all of their vaccinations. As your pocket bully grows, we can give you tips on how to puppy-proof your home and prepare for teething. No one likes to think about losing their new best friend. Here are some care factors which you can consider for your pet.


These Bullies are easy to groombecause of their short, single coats. All you need for grooming is quality shampoo, a pin brush or rubber glove, a pair of dog nail clippers, dog toothpaste, etc. Brushing the coat and teeth at least twice weekly keeps these parts clean and healthy. Although most these bullies don’t have too many wrinkles, the few they have should be cleaned often. This prevents infections like skin folds pyoderma from piled-up moisture and dirt in the wrinkles. Remember monthly nail trims and regular ear cleaning.

Food & Diet Requirements 

These bullies have a high muscle mass that needs plenty of protein (at least 30%) to be maintained. It may be quite challenging to tell when a Bully is overweight due to their usual wide and heavy body structure.

Lean meat with plenty of omega-3 fatty acids is extremely important for these dogs, especially as they are likely to experience to get thyroid problems. Look for (related to chickens, hens, turkeys, etc.) and fish-based diets with high levels of fish oil. They also need mixed (able to be dissolved in something) and (unable to be dissolved in something) fiber, with probiotics, for a healthy gut.


These bullies do best with two 20 to 30-minute walks every day to stay (related to the mind and brain) and physically fit. They can also participate in sports like weight pulling and spring poles because of their athletic ability and muscle mass. These dogs are, however, not built for (ability to last through), so keep every exercise session short and sweet.

What Does A Pocket Bully Look Like?

These Bullies are short sized, compact dogs with firm bodies and are incredibly muscular for their small size. They have a thick, wide head (typical and expected) of bullies, broad chests, and short, heavy legs. The muscular build gives these small dogs a powerful look, and their naturally floppy ears can be cropped or left alone.

These physical attributes give off strength and stubbornness, yet they are also good evidence of their gentle nature, making them a perfect blend of power and gentleness. Also these dogs have short, heavy legs with (clearly understood) muscles and a strong and healthy frame.

Pocket Bully Size

The American Pocket Bully, a compact and muscular breed, usually stands between 12 to 17 inches tall at the shoulders. This breed, known for its strong build and friendly behavior, is a smaller version of the American Bully. With a heavy frame and broad chest, they show a powerful presence (even though there is the existence of) their small height.

Their height may change a little depending on (the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things) and individual differences, but they almost always maintain their usual charm and loyalty. Whether as a companion or a show dog, the American Pocket Bully clearly includes strength and feeling of love in a compact package.

Pocket Bully Weight

The American Pocket Bully normally weighs between 30 to 60 pounds. However, it’s extremely important to note that weight can change based on factors like (the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things), diet, and exercise.

These dogs are muscular and compact, with a heavy build. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are extremely important for maintaining a healthy weight. Always talk to a veterinarian to make sure of your American Bully is at a best weight for their size and breed. Watching their diet and providing (good) enough activity will help them stay fit and happy.

How Much Should A Pocket Bully Eat?

Figuring out how much a Bully should eat depends on factors like age, size, activity level, and (chemically processing and using food). Usually, adult bullies require about 1 to 2 cups of high-quality dog food per day, divided into two meals.Puppies may need more frequent, smaller meals to support their growth.

It’s extremely important to follow feeding guidelines given by the dog food manufacturer and (change to make better to fit new conditions) portions based on your dog’s individual needs. Watching their weight and body condition regularly can help make sure of they’re getting the right amount of food to maintain a healthy weight.

Is A Pocket Bully A Good Family Dog?

This Bully can make a fantastic family companion or pet. Their friendly nature and sweet and kind behavior make them excellent with children, often forming strong (forces that join things together) within the family. (even though there is the existence of) their muscular appearance, they are gentle and loyal, thriving in families with consistent training and (causing people or animals to interact with others so they’re more friendly).

Their (not too big) size makes them good for different living situations, including apartments. However, it’s extremely important to provide them with regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. With proper care and attention, this Bully can be a loving and loyal member of the family, bringing joy and (state of spending friendly time with someone else) to all.

Are Pocket Bullies Aggressive?

These Bullies aren’t basically and mostly aggressive. Their personality mostly depends on upbringing, training, and (causing people or animals to interact with others so they’re more friendly). With proper care and training, they can be gentle and sweet and kind companions.

However, like any breed, neglect or mishandling can lead to behavioral issues. Responsible ownership, early (causing people or animals to interact with others so they’re more friendly), and positive reward training are key to preventing (angry, violent behavior) and helping the development of a well-behaved Pocket Bully.

Coat Type And Colors Of Pocket Bullies

Pocket Bullies come in different coat types and colors. They can have short, smooth coats or a little longer ones. Common coat colors include blue, black, chocolate, and brown (with streaks), with different versions like baby kiss up to and tri-color.

Some may have markings or patches. Their coats are often glossy and easy to maintain with regular brushing. (even though there is the existence of) different versions, these dogs are famous for their striking appearance and (like nothing else in the world) coat patterns.


  • Fawn
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Chocolate/Brown
  • Lilac
  • White
  • Brindle
  • Sable
  • Red
  • Tri-color (combination of any three colors)
  • Merle (mottled patches of color)

Similar Breeds of Pocket Bullies

There are some similar breeds of Pocket Bullies which are given below.

American Bully Pocket

The American Bully Pocket is a smaller version of the American Bully breed, known for its compact size and muscular build. Standing between 12 to 17 inches tall at the shoulders, they possess a heavy frame and broad chest. (even though there is the existence of) their smaller height, they show the same qualities as their larger partners: loyalty, feeling of love, and a friendly personality.

Their not too big size makes them good for different living (surrounding conditions), including apartments. With proper training and (causing people or animals to interact with others so they’re more friendly), the American Bully Pocket can make an excellent companion, offering steady loyalty and feeling of love to their family.

Blue Pocket Bully

The Blue Pocket Bully is a popular version known for its striking blue coat color. This shade can range from a light steel gray to a deep slate blue. Blue Pocket Bullies often have a glossy coat that improves their muscular build and (having a unique quality) appearance. Their (like nothing else in the world) coloring, connected with their compact size and friendly behavior, makes them searched-for companions among dog lovers.

Micro Pocket Bully

Micro Pocket Bullies are a smaller version of the Pocket Bully breed. They usually weigh between 10 to 15 pounds and stand around 10 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder. (Even though there is the existence of) their small size, Micro Pocket Bullies possess the same muscular build and heavy appearance as their larger partners. They’re loved and honored for their compact size, making them ideal for owners looking for a smaller breed with all the qualities of a classic Pocket Bully.

Conclusion: Is Pocket Bully worth to buy?

Pocket Bullies are small, compact designer dogs with the signature Bully thick head. They maintain a heavy and muscular body structure but in a cute and attractive tiny package. These dogs grow and do well on feeling of love and attention and will make excellent additions to your family if you’ve established they’re rightand and completely worth it for you.

Read our blog on the topic of 10 Reasons Why Are Dogs Better Than Cats?

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