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Mini Goldendoodle – Complete Guide 2024

Mini Goldendoodle running in the jungle

Mini Goldendoodles are special dogs made by mixing a Golden Retriever with a Poodle. They’re not purebred, but they’re getting more and more popular. These cute little pups are loved by people because they’re small and have cute faces like teddy bears. They stay small because one of their parents is a Miniature or Toy Poodle. They’re still quite new, and breeders are even making them smaller.

Since the 1990s, lots of people all over have been loving the ‘doodle’ breed. These dogs are super popular because they’re not only adorable but also really smart and playful, taking after the poodle and the other breed they’re mixed with.

If you want to learn about mini goldendoodles before adopting one, this guide has you covered! It talks about their background, how they look, their personality, how long they live, how to train them, and more. We also answer common questions about them and give tips on adopting and taking care of them.

Mini Goldendoodle Lifespan

Choosing a Doodle as your new pet can mean a longer life for them! When you mix a purebred dog with a Poodle, it can make them healthier and live longer. This is called Hybrid Vigor. It helps especially with bigger Doodles, as Poodle genes can reduce problems like hip issues. Besides genes, things like good food, exercise, and regular vet check-ups also make a big difference in how long your Doodle lives.

On average, standard Goldendoodles live around 11-14 years. Medium ones live about 12-15 years, and traditional Mini Goldendoodles usually make it to 12-16 years. The smallest ones, called Petite Mini or Toy Goldendoodles, can live even longer, usually 13-17 years.

History of Mini Goldendoodles

Did you know that “Goldendoodles” have been around since the 1960s? Back then, breeders were trying to make a dog that wouldn’t cause allergies. They wanted them to be great for service and therapy work, with a gentle but playful nature. It wasn’t until the late 1990s and early 2000s that these dogs became really popular.

Poodle mixes, like Goldendoodles, are like the trendiest mixed breed dogs. After their success, they became super popular, leading to other mixes like Labradoodles, Cavapoos, and Cockapoos.

Even though Mini Goldendoodles are newer compared to some other breeds, they’ve become really popular and are definitely sticking around.

Temperament & Intelligence of Min Goldendoodles

Miniature Goldendoodles are dogs that love to make people happy. They are gentle and kind, just like their Golden Retriever parent. They also like to have fun and can be a little mischievous sometimes, which they get from their Poodle side. These dogs are smart and like to be around others, just like both of their parents.

Mini Goldendoodles really enjoy being around people and are always ready to play. This means they might not be the best choice for someone who prefers to be alone a lot. When you take them for a walk, they often want to say hi to everyone they meet.

These dogs like to express themselves, which means they can be noisy. They bark when they’re happy, excited (which is often), bored, or when they hear strange sounds. They might even bark if they hear the neighbor’s dog barking. While you can teach them not to bark too much, it’s hard to completely stop a dog who naturally likes to make noise.

If you want a quiet house, a Miniature Goldendoodle might not be the best pet for you. But if you don’t mind a bit of noise, these fluffy dogs will bring a lot of joy to your life.

Appearance of Mini Goldendoodles

Miniature Goldendoodles are famous for their soft, curly, and medium-length coats, usually tan, brown, or red in color. They have big, expressive dark eyes, a black nose, and a short to medium muzzle that gives them an adorable face. Their heads are rounded, with floppy ears and long, fluffy tails.

They’re small to medium-sized dogs, but their size can vary because they’re a mix. Typically, a full-grown Miniature Goldendoodle is around 16 to 19 inches tall and weighs 18 to 35 pounds.

You can also find even smaller versions called Toy or Teacup Miniature Goldendoodles, which are about 9 to 12 inches tall and weigh around 13 pounds.

Mini Goldendoodles Size

Mini Goldendoodles, which weigh about 26 to 35 pounds and stand 16 to 19 inches tall, are great for living in apartments. However, they may carry some dominant gene from their ancestors and grow taller or smaller. They typically remain portable and can fit into small carriers ideal for traveling.

They’re perfect for families with not a lot of room but still want a pet that likes to be active. These dogs are also awesome for people who travel a lot and want a furry friend that can easily go along in small spaces.

Are Mini Goldendoodles high maintenance?

These dogs are very cute and cuddly, and you might really want to have one as a pet when you see them. But before you decide to get one, it’s important to know what there maintenance is and what you can expect from them.

Food & Diet Requirements

Your Miniature Goldendoodle will need between 1 to 4 cups of good dry food every day. How much exactly depends on how big they are, how old they are, how active they are, and how fast their body works. Goldendoodles often gain weight easily, so it’s important to measure their food carefully and give it to them in two meals each day to help them stay healthy.

It’s better to give them smaller meals more often instead of one big meal. This is because their Golden Retriever side can make them more likely to have problems with their digestion, like bloating or twisting of their stomach. These issues can be passed down to your Mini Goldendoodle.


A Mini Goldendoodle needs to play and exercise every day. This can include going for a walk in the morning, playing fetch in the backyard in the evening, or doing both! Because these dogs are laid-back, they’ll do even better if they have other people or dogs to play with.

They really enjoy being in the water, so swimming is a great way for them to get exercise and burn off energy.

Usually, Miniature Goldendoodles are active and happiest when they’re moving around, so they need at least thirty minutes of exercise each day. It’s a good idea to have a fence around your backyard to make it easy for them to run around safely. If Miniature Goldendoodles don’t get enough exercise and attention, they might start destroying things or barking too much because they have extra energy.


Goldendoodles are smart and like making you happy, so training them is usually not too hard. They get this from their Golden Retriever side, which also makes them good pets for people who’ve had dogs before or for new dog owners.

Like with any dog, it’s best to use nice ways to teach them, like giving them treats when they do something good. If you’re too rough with them, it might make them feel unsure and not trust you as much.

Even a little Miniature Goldendoodle puppy can start learning how to behave well and do tricks if you start training them and letting them meet different people and animals early on.


A special thing about Mini Goldendoodles is that they don’t shed much, which means less hair around your home. But even though they don’t shed a lot, you still need to take care of their coat to keep it healthy.

You should brush your pet’s hair regularly to avoid it getting tangled. If you want their hair to stay long, you’ll need to brush it every day. If you like it short, brushing it once a day is enough. But they don’t need baths often, only if they get dirty or start to smell bad. Bathing them too much can make their skin dry because it removes natural oils.

It’s also important to brush their teeth a few times a week to keep their teeth healthy, especially since they might have dental problems like their Poodle parent. And trim their nails at least once a month, or more if they don’t wear them down on their own.

Miniature Goldendoodles can often get ear infections, so it’s a good idea to check their ears every week for dirt or a bad smell and clean them gently with a damp cloth if needed.

Health Care & Diseases

Miniaturer Goldendoodles are usually healthy dogs, but they might get some health problems that are common in Poodles and Golden Retrievers.

To have the best chance of getting a healthy dog that lives a long time, it’s important to get them from a good breeder. Some breeders might not be careful, and they could breed dogs that have diseases.

Here are some health problems Mini Goldendoodles might get:

Ear Infections – These dogs love water, but it can make their ears too wet and cause infections. Their floppy ears can trap moisture, which makes it easier for infections to happen.

Hip Dysplasia – This problem is usually because of genes, but not always. It happens when the thighbone doesn’t fit well into the hip joint, which can be painful. You can check for it with an X-ray.

To avoid this, it’s important to know about the parents’ medical history before getting a puppy.

Von Willebrand’s Disease – This disease affects how blood clots. Dogs with this might have nosebleeds often or bleed for a long time after getting hurt. There’s no cure, but you can manage it with treatments like giving blood during surgery.

Cancer – Golden Retrievers get cancer a lot, so Miniature Goldendoodles could get it too because they have Golden Retriever and Poodle parents.

Allergies – Miniature Goldendoodles might have allergies to things like food or things in the air.

Ear Infections – Since they like water, they might get ear infections sometimes.

Dental Problems – They might have tooth problems, especially if their Poodle parent did too. So it’s important to take care of their teeth.

Are Mini Goldendoodles good dogs?

Mini Goldendoodles are good for living in apartments because they’re small and don’t shed much. They also don’t bark a lot, which is good for neighbors. Plus, they have calm personalities, which makes them good for apartment living.

If you want a dog to protect your home, a Miniature Goldendoodle might not be the best choice. They’re more likely to make friends with strangers than to scare them away! They don’t bark much either, so they might not alert you if someone comes to your door.

Miniature Goldendoodles are great as therapy dogs because they’re gentle, loving, and smart. They’re also easy to train, so they’re good for helping other people.

But they’re best suited for therapy or emotional support work because they’re small. If you need a dog for physical support or guidance, you might want a bigger breed, like a large Standard Goldendoodle.

Mini Goldendoodle Full Grown

Mini Goldendoodles are a well-liked kind of dog because they’re nice and smart. They’re made by mixing a Golden Retriever and a Miniature Poodle. This makes them small or medium-sized and their fur doesn’t make many allergies.

When they’re fully grown, Miniature Goldendoodles usually weigh between 15 to 35 pounds and are about 13 to 20 inches tall. They’re good at fitting into different situations and are great pets for families because they’re fun and loving. They don’t shed a lot, which is good for people with allergies or who like to keep their house clean.

Are Mini Goldendoodles Aggressive?

Mini Goldendoodles are not mean; they’re friendly and like to play. They usually get along with children and other pets. Sometimes, people might think they’re being mean when they bite or chew on things while they’re growing up, but this is just part of how they learn.

But if a Miniature Goldendoodle isn’t around other animals or isn’t taught how to behave, they might start acting up. If this happens, you can use rewards and nice ways to teach them how to act better.

Do Mini Goldendoodles bark a lot?

If you don’t like dogs that bark a lot, you might be happy to hear that Mini Goldendoodles don’t bark too much. Sometimes they bark if they see someone new or if they want you to notice them, but usually, they’re not loud dogs.

Conclusion: Is a Mini Goldendoodle the Right Pet Dog for Me?

In conclusion, whether a Mini Goldendoodle is the right pet dog for you depends on various factors. These adorable dogs are known for their friendly, playful nature and low shedding coats, making them suitable for families and individuals with allergies. However, potential owners should consider their energy levels, grooming needs, and space requirements, as well as the commitment to training and socialization.

While Miniature Goldendoodles can bring immense joy and companionship into your life, it’s essential to assess your lifestyle and preferences to ensure a harmonious match between you and your furry companion.

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